SD GUI 1.8.0


  • New: Stable Diffusion DirectML implementation, enables image generation on AMD GPUs
  • New: Inpainting models are now supported, providing much better quality than the old method
  • New: Models are cached in RAM when switching. Switching back loads a model in ~2 seconds
  • New: Text-based masking - Describe what you want to mask instead of drawing the mask
  • New: Initialization image can be previewed by Shift+Hovering over the filename in the GUI
  • New: Generation resolution is automatically set to init image size if it doesn't match
  • New: Pop-Up Image Viewer now has an option to enable Slideshow Mode by default
  • New: Model converter (Dev Tools) to convert between Pytorch, Diffusers, ONNX, Safetensors
  • New: Image Import window has a new option to use metadata plus the image itself as init image
  • Improved: Image Viewer now has hotkeys Ctrl+Left/Ctrl+Right for previous/next image
  • Improved: Image Viewer hotkeys (copy, open, etc.) now also work in pop-up viewer
  • Improved: Mask Editor can be resized, is no longer locked to the init image size
  • Improved: Mask Editor now has paste, invert, save, load, and undo functionality
  • Improved: Inpainting mask can now be edited without having to clear it first
  • Improved: Prompt History will not save a new entry if it's identical to the previous one
  • Improved: Prompt History now has a limit of 500 entries to avoid long loading times
  • Improved: Prompt Queue now behaves like a queue, not like a stack (FIFO)
  • Improved: Welcome Screen (MOTD) can now be disabled after it's been shown once per version
  • Improved: Image Import window now shows resolution, import actions are a dropdown to avoid button clutter
  • Improved: Mask Editor performance is better now, blur is only applied after releasing mouse
  • Improved: User can now ignore the Dreambooth VRAM warning, in case it was reported incorrectly etc.
  • Fixed: Post-processing after generation would cause a soft-lock
  • Fixed: Loading settings from prompt history sets incorrect values
  • Fixed: Broken or malicious model files would cause an unhandled exception
  • Fixed: Using a concept with <Name> syntax would show warning about missing placeholder
  • Fixed: InvokeAI CLI wouldn't open if GUI image generation was cancelled before
  • Fixed: Unhandled error when trying to use init images that no longer exist
  • Fixed: GUI would freeze if no model files exist in models folder(s)

Please do a clean re-install (don't overwrite an existing installation) for this update.

If you already use 1.7.x, you can download the NoMdl archive and copy Data/models from your existing installation.


Stable Diffusion GUI 1.8.0 (Including model files) 3.4 GB
Dec 16, 2022
Stable Diffusion GUI 1.8.0 (No models included, provide your own!) 1.3 GB
Dec 16, 2022

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